
Volcán Telica - The Steaming Monster

Telica has to be one of Nicaragua’s most spectacular volcanoes. Standing at the edge of its crater you can hear it grumbling and hissing while clouds of smoke billow into the air above you. Those brave enough can creep right to the edge and try to glimpse the lava. Turning your back on the crater, you look out across an impressive array of Nicaragua’s many other volcanoes and mountain ranges.

The walk up is beautiful – starting at the hervidores de San Jacinto you wend your way through shaded woodland and open farmland while the summit of Telica creeps slowly into view. Locals on horseback are sure to point you the right way down the maze of trails should they pass you. The first couple of hours are gentle, followed by a sharper climb as you reach the edge of the volcano. Birdlife accompanies you along the way, and you have a good chance of spotting the turquoise-blue flash of a guardabarranco (Nicaragua’s national bird) or hearing the mischievous call of the urraca (blue jay), amongst others.

After spending some time up at the crater, and enjoying a much needed bite to eat, the descent is via a slightly shorter route, coming out on the carretera at a bridge known as la quimera. As luck would have it there is a house nearby which sells cold coca colas!

The Tortuga Booluda, in conjunction with our knowledgeable guide Lester Pautter, will now be offering day tours to Telica. We hope you can come join us sometime!